
Autumn Nights

Her body warmth perched,

some times on cotton,

less times silk, never in flannel,

sans gown, flesh to sheet.

Cerebral journey portends,

a criss to the mind,

a cross to the heart, and ends

at the first wynd.

Where lies this crossroad,

now as my reach

from memory, to first berth,

flesh and sheet, at my beseech.

Like the bud on a tree

without leaves,

the cycle began, before us,

and these years together.

Here in our August,

looking to September,

we had our May, June, July,

and embrace our Autumn.

In golden sunsets

I frolick in her leaves,

and envision the limbs

tied to this trunk.

And as the leaves that curl

back into earth

foretell the bud of spring,

to make the branch the trunk.


© 2017 Don Stewart