
My Time

No tears I plea,

the winds of life have carried me

to lands far, far, away.

Do not anguish for today,

we have shared many times

of happiness and joy.

Do not miss tomorrow,

for one is never guaranteed,

and we’ve had many yesterdays.

Life has given me more love,

and love has given me more life,

than I could ever have realized.

The winds have carried my heart

to places my body has never been.

My mind has seen beauty

in places others have missed.

My senses have been tuned;

to know, more than I should,

to predict, more than I wanted.

When it is my time, I will float

like a feather upon an ocean breeze.

I will fly to distant shores

and I will land when it is, my time.

Until then carry me in your heart

and feel me everyday.

Until then I will live in misty dreams

and have more than I can.


© 2017 Don Stewart